Elite Carpet
Cleaning & Repair

We make it our mission to provide outstanding service, impressive results, and complete peace of mind to every client. To ensure service that lives up to this promise, we stay at the forefront of the industry, constantly educating ourselves and adopting the latest tools and techniques. As an IICRC Certified Firm, every job is completed by trained, certified technicians using powerful, truck-mounted machines. Feel free to reach out for a FREE No Obligation Online Quote today!

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Our 5-Star

At Elite Carpet Cleaning & Repair, we aim to make hiring us completely stress-free. In addition to our money-back guarantee, we offer a 5-Star Guarantee, on all of our carpet cleaning work because we are committed to providing quality work for all of our clients.

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Pricing that
Fits Your Budget
Timely Support
and Service

What Our Customers Say

Contact Us

Let us take care of all your home needs—whether it’s window cleaning, custom organization, professional painting, or grout repair—ensuring your home is expertly maintained from top to bottom.

6767 S Vine St #1208, Centennial, CO 80122
