Our carpet cleaning program can enhance the appearance of your facility while saving you money. We will tour your building and discuss areas of special concern, focusing on your goals. Once you have identified priorities, we can design the program that best fits your needs.
Your program will be maximized if you chose to begin with either new carpet, or a restoration cleaning to set the standard for your carpet’s appearance.
The restoration cleaning addresses any issues that are causing the carpet to look and perform poorly. Old soils and contaminants are removed, and areas of concern for the maintenance cleanings are identified. This also provides a good assessment of how well the carpet is wearing, and what damage may have been done by excessive wear and abrasive contaminants. Our restoration cleanings include the following:
The only way to remove this mixture of dust, body oils, dust mites, dust mites waste and spills is to have your upholstery professionally cleaned.Thorough cleaning requires proper application of specially designed cleaners to break down the soils, and hot water extraction to wash away the contaminants.
We’re here to help! If you have any questions about our services, pricing, or the cleaning process, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our team is happy to provide clear answers and guide you through every step, ensuring you feel confident and informed before making any decisions.
Let us take care of all your home needs—whether it’s window cleaning, custom organization, professional painting, or grout repair—ensuring your home is expertly maintained from top to bottom.
6767 S Vine St #1208, Centennial, CO 80122