How to Prevent Pet Odors and Spots on Your Carpet
During this pandemic, a lot of families have gotten pets to help with their anxiety. Pets are great therapy animals. They can help soothe a worried heart without the person even realizing it. It also helps to give kids something to do, take care of and be responsible for. So, there is a lot more to gain in getting an animal than just to keep your kids occupied. However, you always have to weigh the pros and cons of getting a pup. Elite Carpet Cleaning knows firsthand that when you have a pup, pee spots will happen. So, what can you do to prevent that from happening?
Crate Train
Some people feel very sad when they hear their little pup whining in a cage. Those whines may try their best to wear you down to let them sleep in the bed with you. It is very important though that you resist the cries from their crate. You might wonder how crate training even works though.
The first thing that you need to know is the crate has to be the appropriate size for the type dog that you’re getting. A dog won’t pee where he sleeps. So, you want to make sure that the crate you get will be big enough for the dog but small enough that he can’t pee in another part of his crate and sleep in another part. That means you can’t get a crate he will “grow” into but one that fits their size now.
Due to the fact that they won’t pee in the crate, where they sleep, they will then whine when they need to be let out. Although it may be a pain to take them out in the middle of the night it will be worth it. If you have to choose between taking them out and your pup peeing in your bed or on your carpet, you’ll probably want to just get up and take them out.
What Happens When They Pee on Your Carpet?
It's important that you get up the pee as quickly as you can. However, you need to know that the scent will still be in the carpet even if you use a carpet cleaner. This can lead to your pup wanting to pee in the same spot again and again. Unfortunately, this means that it can get down to the padding and even the subfloor. Our system is perfected for a noninvasive carpet cleaning. Included in that is the special treatment for pee spots and soils. Their scent will be gone, and your carpet will be pee free!
If you go ahead and get a pup, make sure that you keep a strict watch on your pup during the day. Take them out regularly and make sure to crate train them. If they do pee on your carpet though, give us a call today! We would be happy to give you a free home estimate to clean your carpets specifically for pet soils.