Best Rug Cleaning Service Ever
Rugs can add beauty to the home that is like none other. With designs and colors that can bring together a room or make a separation of rooms. Rugs can be expensive though. Over the years they get dirty. This poses a challenge because there aren’t many companies who specialize in such cleaning rugs. If they do rug cleaning it isn’t done on a regular basis making the quality of work less than stellar. Here at Elite Carpet Cleaning we specialize in rug cleaning on a wide range of different rugs.
Here is the process that we use when it comes to cleaning carpets so that you don’t have to go out and buy another rug. Depending on the condition of your rug you have two different cleaning options, in-place cleaning and in-plant cleaning. Here are the differences between the two cleaning options:
In-Place Cleaning
This cleaning is just as it suggests, the cleaning of your rug in your home. This is the best option if you want your rug cleaned up in a timely manner. We start the process out by thoroughly vacuuming your rug. We go over it about 3-4 times to ensure we have gotten everything off it. Once we have made sure to get all the dirt, dust, and debris off it we are able to spray a pre-treatment on it. After this we then rinse the rug to get all the soil, contaminants and the cleaner out from it. We then dry the rug quickly with our air mover.
If your rug is has not been cleaned in a while and there are stains on it that have been there for some time then you might want to go with our deeper cleaning method.
In-Plant Cleaning
This process can take anywhere from 10-14 days. We start with coming to your home to pick up your rug and take it to our place of business from there we start the cleaning process. We carefully take the time to remove all the dry soils on your rug that vacuuming can’t do. Then we put specialized cleaners on it and agitate it to release the soils causing spots and then go through a rinsing process remove those soils and materials that are insoluble. After this we then proceed by completely immersing the rug in a solution that deodorizes it and do pet spot treatment. The final rinse will remove any and all soils from the rug. We conclude with the drying process. If there are any fringe treatments that need to be done, it’s at this point that we take care of this. Finally, we do a pile setting and softening before we deliver the rug back to your home.
Based on our process you can see that we aren’t just professional carpet cleaners here at Elite Carpet Cleaning, we are expert rug cleaners as well. We have helped many homeowners to save money by not having to go out and buy another rug. Our job is to get your rug looking as beautiful as the day you bought it! Give us a call today or fill out our online request form!