Consumer Guide to Carpet Repair in Denver Part 2
Runs in Berber carpet, fraying, burn marks, bleach stains and pet damage, all these carpet problems can be repaired saving the average Denver consumer thousands of dollars over replacement costs.
In Part 1 of the “Consumers Guide to Carpet Repair in Denver” the importance of re-stretching to remove bubbles, wrinkles and buckles was addressed. Part 2 of the “Consumers Guide to Carpet Repair in Denver” will focus on repairing other common carpet problems. And as in Part 1, included with each repair in this report will be the 1 to 5 scale on how disruptive will this carpet repair be to my home and how much time will it take.
Repairing runs in Berber Carpet
Pulled rows in Berber carpet can be a tripping hazard and a playful temptation for our pets. Cutting off the snagged fiber leaves an ugly bald spot and will lead to more fraying as the carpet is walked upon. We use detailed repair methods to mend the damage and prevent future running or fraying. Using specialized techniques, a small donor piece will be removed from a closet (this will NOT result in a bare spot in the closet. A small piece will be trimmed from the edge, then the closet carpet will be re-stretched and properly fitted back into its original place). As demonstrated in the pictures below, the donor piece will then be used to repair the snag. This method of repair keeps home life disruption minimal (disruption level 1) requiring, on average, 1 to 2 hours.
SAD Spots (Small Area of Distortion)
SAD spots include burn marks, bleach stains, some small pet stains, and food spills (such as mustard and sports drinks) that have permanently damaged, stained or dyed the carpet fibers. Repairing this type of carpet damage requires a donor piece which then be used to create a bonded insert. Some who offer carpet repair in Denver refer to this as a patch. A patch, however, is something moms in the 1960’s did to kid’s jeans in order to cover a hole. It’s true this was a practical solution to the problem of the hole in the jeans, but the patch was visible from a block away and kids in general had trouble seeing this from mom’s point of view. Just as we no longer wear patched jeans, carpet repair techniques in Denver have passed the era of carpet patching. Patches are often as unsightly as the holes they cover. We do not patch carpet. We offer bonded inserts. Unlike the patches you remember that do not match the original material in color, protrude above the surface to which they are attached, and are obviously seamed around all sides, bonded inserts are virtually invisible.
- Bonded inserts are the same height, shape, color and pattern of the original carpet.
- Bonded inserts are stronger than the original material.
- Bonded inserts will permanently stop fraying and unraveling.
Bonded Insert Used to Repair Mustard Stain
Bonded inserts can be done with minimal disruption (level 1) to the home.
Depending on size, this repair can be done in 1 to 2 hours.
Re-Tufting Carpet to Repair Small Burns
Re-tuft is just as it sounds; it’s the act of replacing individual damaged tufts. A donor piece is used to obtain replacement carpet tufts, which are then glued into the carpet backing. The tufts are held in place as securely as in the original manufacturing process, and the repair is completely undetectable.
Re-tufting can be done with minimal disruption (level 1) to the home.
The repair will be complete in 1 to 2 hours.
In every case, from the quick and simple to the major repairs, we never lose focus on the fact that this is your home. We will take the time to fully explain the problem, the options available, and fully answer your questions. We appreciate the value you place on quality of life here in Denver, and we will perform your carpet repairs in the manner that you choose.
We hope we have answered some of your questions about how runs and small damaged areas in your carpet should be taken care of. Since carpeting in the home is the third-largest investment most homeowners will make, knowing how to take care of it is an important safeguard for your investment.
Future blogs will feature tips and information about other types of carpet damage and what repairs are available to our neighbors in Denver.