Getting Rid of Urine Odor from Your Carpet
The carpet in your home is beautiful and most homeowners want to make sure that it is well taken care of. Carpet is expensive so many people don’t want to fork out money to have it replaced. As careful as you may be with it, there are loveable creatures that can sometimes have a different objective than our own. Both cats and dogs alike can have accidents that leave us upset. What is done is done though, now it’s about the proper way to move forward with what has happened. When it comes to urine on the carpet there are a lot of chemical reactions that are going on that many homeowners don’t know about. Elite Carpet Cleaning is your professional experts in removing urine stains, salts and smells from your carpet. Here is what you’re going to want to do when your furry companion decides to pee on your carpet.
The first step is always to get it up as fast as possible. Get a paper towel make sure you get enough to soak up as much as you possibly can. Don’t rub it. Just push down on it. Continue to get a new paper towel until the towel is no longer soaking up any of the urine. After you have done this you will want to rinse the area with cold water. Then continue the process of soaking up as much as you possibly can. After this is when you’re going to want to treat the area with a professional grade spotter like Vet’s Trust. You may be inclined to pick a spotter that you already have at home but here are some facts to consider regarding spot cleaners:
There is a chemical reaction that is already going on in your carpet. When the urine hits the carpet its pH level is at a 5, making it an acid. As the seconds go by it is starting to react with the oxygen and bacteria that’s already in your carpet. This combination creates a chemical reaction and skyrockets the pH level to 11 and higher. It now becomes classified as ammonia and damages your carpet fibers. When it reaches this point, you might be thinking that your carpet is discolored because of the soil but, it’s been bleached. Knowing this most homeowners wouldn’t then try and put more chemicals on a carpet that has already been bleached. Even if you did catch it in time though, most cleaners don’t stop the reaction that occurs and can end up leaving your carpet permanently discolored. Therefore, you should go with a cleaner you know that the professionals trust.
Elite Carpet Cleaning has been able to get the toughest stains and smells out of carpet. Before you permanently damage your carpet, just call us. We are a family owned business that believes in quality work and affordable prices. Call us for a free home estimate today!