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By Elite Carpet Cleaning and Repair 12-12-2018

Should You Clean Your Carpet Before or After Company Comes

Company means that there is bound to be a spill on your carpet. Whether its juice or wine, the dark red color splashed across white carpet can make your heart sink in a little inside. But should you clean your carpets before or after company? The short answers are it is going to depend on your preference because there is no right answer. However Elite Carpet Cleaning understands your dilemma and wants to help you make the right decision for you and your family.

Cleaning Before Company

Many people decide to go with this option because they want to reach a certain look for when their company comes. This pristine look that calls out perfection is the standard that they are trying to attain. We would all love our home to be perfect all the time but seeing as that is unrealistic at least you can have it picture perfect for the one time of the year that everyone is at your house. Having your carpets clean also helps allergies if you have family members that are very sensitive to dust or are allergic to cats and dogs. This will tremendously help them to have a more relaxing and comfortable time in your home.

Cleaning After Company

The pros to cleaning after company is that any spill and stains that happened while company was here will be taken care of. This is in the best interest of your carpet because the longer the stain stays there the harder it will be to remove it in the end. So, if you have very beautiful white carpet or newly installed carpet then the better option for you is going to be to have it cleaned after all your company has left the house. This will help the life of your carpet last longer.

The Elite Carpet Benefit

Most carpet cleaners just com in and clean your carpets, ask for the form of payment and then forget that they did work for you at the end of the day. We are a family owned business but that means that we care for your carpet needs past the initial cleaning. We are genuinely concerned about the health of your carpet and the stains that are on them. That is why we will come back and work on your stains again if they come back. More than that, we even give you a bottle of the cleaning solution we use so that you can-do in-home care. Call us today to have your carpets cleaned!